Legal Marketing Blog

The Most Common Law Firm Marketing Mistakes

Posted by Jennifer Macqueen

How to Avoid Legal Marketing Blunders

“A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.” –  John C. Maxwell

If your law firm is not getting the noticeable results from marketing you anticipated, chances are you’re making a few of the most common mistakes in legal marketing today. These tips will steer you clear of common blunders and help your firm become an effective marketing machine:

Develop a Decisive Marketing Plan

Random acts of marketing do not work. It’s normal to hit the marketing button when business is slow, but it’s an unwise, short-term approach. Isolated activities rarely generate the business you need to stay competitive.

Stay Current

Lawyers need to stay current and up-to-date on legal issues and trends. Clients expect it and it’s one of the essentials of conveying your message effectively.  Your legal image, your law firm logo, marketing materials, website, etc., demonstrate that you are professional and at the top of your game. If your law firm’s image says “antiquated,” that’s how a client will perceive your practice.

Take a serious look at the materials a client receives. Your legal image should be assessed and revisited every two years.

Contact an Expert

An amateur legal ad is easy to spot. It lacks creativity, it is boring and dull, and it is long-winded and melds right in to the publication instead of grabbing attention. The same goes for brochures, newsletters and websites. Stick to practicing law and leave marketing to experts that will bring you results.

Be a Leader, Not a Follower

Innovation is one of the foundations for a successful legal practice. By its very nature, effective, successful marketing stands out from the crowd. Favorable attention increases the bottom line, while just blending in could cost you.

Consistent Client Contact

Studies have shown that 90% of law firm clients leave because they feel neglected. It’s not because you didn’t win their lawsuit or didn’t collect every last dollar they felt was owed to them, it’s because you simply didn’t stay in touch. Make a commitment to routinely check in with your clients either by an email or a telephone call, just to let them know they are still on your radar.

Reap Client Feedback

Believe it or not, clients will often provide surprising feedback when interviewed.  If you don’t ask them, they won’t tell you. Why not reap the benefits you have earned?

Establish a Marketing Culture

Create an environment that fosters business development and your law firm will profit. Encourage your staff members and associates to market by supporting their efforts. Make time every week for non-billable marketing efforts and recognize the initiative and results.

We specialize in law firm branding, public relations and legal marketing throughout Seattle, Salt Lake City, and Madison, Wisconsin.

Our award-winning marketing team at Firm Evolution welcomes the opportunity to assist you. We provide expert marketing and public relations services in the Pacific Northwest, Intermountain West and Midwest. We focus on the needs, goals and differentiating aspects of each law firm client. Our emphasis is on the big picture – leveraging the strengths of individual attorneys, practice groups, and the overall firm on all fronts. We work closely with our clients to ensure all components of their marketing program – from press releases and marketing plans, to website and Internet campaigns -provide a strong foundation for maintaining existing clients and developing new ones.

Contact Firm Evolution 206.321.3220 to learn more.